Na 10. edycję biennale wpłynęło 185 zgłoszeń

The jury composed of:
Dobromiła Błaszczyk
Sebastian Cichocki
Roman Lewandowski
Adam Mazur
Edyta Wolska

selected 18 participants who were qualified
for the exhibition:

Michalina Bigaj
Katarzyna Bogusz
Agata Cieślak
Piotr Desperak
Joanna Dudek
Ewelina Figarska
Agata Jarosławiec
Daniel Kotowski|
Nadia Markiewicz
Piotr Mlącki
Horacy Muszyński
Sara Piotrowska i Maciej Szczęśniak (kolektyw)
Laura Radzewicz
Justyna Smoleń
Piotr Urbaniec
Kamila Walendykiewicz
Dawid Wojtalewicz
Katarzyna Wyszkowska

Award-winning artists:

  1. The Grand Prix, i.e. the Main Award in the amount of PLN 20,000 went to Nadia Markiewicz, who also received an invitation to a monthly residence at the Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka

  2. The Award of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Province in the amount of PLN 10,000 was presented to Agata Cieślak

  3. Two honourable mentions, in the amount of PLN 1,000 each, were presented to Katarzyna Bogusz i Laura Radzewicz


Exhibition and open self-presentation of prize winners


5.10.2022 / 12.00 p.m.
Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka

6.10.2022 / 6 p.m.
Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka

7.10 – 30.12.2022
Centre for Creative Activitites / ul. Zaruskiego 1a / Ustka
Small Gallery
/ ul. Partyzantów 31a / Słupsk

Curated by / Edyta Wolska, Roman Lewandowski

The Young Art Biennale “Fisheye 10” is a periodic competition with a tradition spanning over 20 years. It is characterised by a distinctive interdisciplinary nature of the works presented and the cross-section of the artists’ ages (up to 35). The works presented in the exhibition are made with the use of both traditional media and multimedia, including ephemeral art. The post-competition exhibition is intended to present the work of young artists making their debut on the art scene. It aims to show the most representative range of the latest trends in Polish art, and in particular to present its multifaceted nature, a variety of viewpoints and an acceptance of cultural tolerance in its broadest sense. The organisers also aim to bring public attention to works that communicate socially important themes that constitute the Polish national identity. One great asset of the biennale is the selection, through a competition, of works by university graduates from all over the country, who live both in major art centres and on the periphery. Another important aim of the project is to confront works and young artists with distinguished art critics and theoreticians through meetings, individual self-presentations and a panel discussion with the participation of authorities in Polish art criticism. Besides, the event constitutes a great opportunity to present contemporary art to the community living in the sub-region of Słupsk, which is located outside the centres of major cities (Gdańsk, Szczecin).

The schedule of the biennale includes self-presentations of the participating artists, open to the public, which will take place on 5 October 2022 from noon at the Centre for Creative Activity in Ustka. The opening of the exhibitions and the announcement of the competition results will take place on 6 October 2022 at the Centre for Creative Activity in Ustka at 6 pm.


The biennale features 2 group exhibitions, organised in showrooms: Chamber Gallery (Słupsk) and the Centre for Creative Activity in Ustka.

Photos / Krzysztof Tomasik

Honorary patronage

Mayor of Słupsk
Krystyna Danilecka-Wojewódzka
Mayor of Ustka  
Jacek Maniszewski

Media patrons
