Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art
Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka
/ ul. Zaruskiego 1a
Monika Czarska
Roksana Kularska-Król
Alicja Kujawska
Anka Leśniak
Aurelia Mandziuk
Leisure / Drop by!
Weronika Teplicka
Project presentation
22.09.2023 / 6 pm

„Our activities during the residency focused on the theme of “leisure”. The Polish Academic Encyclopaedia (PWN) defines leisure time as that part of a person’s overall ‘time budget’ in which they are free to pursue activities of their own choosing. According to Wikipedia, leisure is the time available to a person after performing duties such as study, work and activities of daily living. In the definitions of researchers, there is a clear distinction between activities related to the professional sphere, with learning in the education system measured in man-hours, and activities outside the professional area. In Poland, the term “leisure time” was first introduced in 1925. According to Grażyna Durka, initially the word “leisure” was used to describe holidays and recreation. Later, the term was broadened to include a wider range of areas, reflecting on the impact of free time on society. In the pedagogical dictionary by W. Okoń, leisure time is that which “after the performance of compulsory tasks” is devoted to rest, i.e. regeneration of physical and mental strengths, entertainment which gives pleasure, social activities of a voluntary and disinterested nature, development of interests and talents of the individual, i.e. hobbies of various kinds. Thus, “leisure time” is a modern construct, introduced to satisfy the needs of the working masses. The more work is alienated and separated from other life activities, the easier it is to define the boundaries of leisure time. These become blurred by the free-market, neo-liberal transformations whose banner has become ‘non-standardised working time’. The amount and quality of leisure time is also determined by age, gender, social and financial position. Leisure time can be looked forward to when we have a stable job and the possibility of a holiday. However, for people who cannot find a job and have an excess of it, it is a source of frustration and apathy.
The concept of time in general, however, is quite relative in different geographical circles and cultures. Not all inhabitants of the globe view whatever clocks indicate with equal seriousness. In these contexts, it is interesting to note the activity of male/female artists that escapes the distinction between working time and leisure time, which also reflects the uncertain/clear status of artists in social structures. Is art a serious profession or a hobby? Is it work or pleasure…? During the residency, we intend to explore the theme of leisure time in artistic and artistic-social projects. What is this time for us artists? What it is for the community of Ustka, and what it is for the tourists who come there on holiday.” /Frakcja/
Monika Czarska
Graduate of the Faculty of Graphic Arts and Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Her artistic output includes painting, graphic art and multimedia. She creates painting objects, installations and site-specific works. In November 2018, she defended her doctorate in art with honours at the W.Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. In 2016, at the 25th Festival of Polish Contemporary Painting in Szczecin, I was awarded the Prize of the Mayor of Szczecin for my paintings “Yes, No” and “Maybe”. “When working, concept is of great importance to me. My works are characterised by a synthesis of thoughts, symetry, sparing colours, minimalism and geometry. When creating, I analyse the concept I want to talk about. I break it down into its first parts and give it graphic form. I turn the dismembered aspects of a concept into geometric symbols, creating maps of the themes I have taken up. Shaping the form of a painting is a journey, a collection of symbols and text. The paintings are a story, an illustrated thought process, which determines their form. In my works, lines, geometric forms have a hidden meaning, they are synonymous with veiled content. My paintings contain handwritten or stencilled words, always in English, which I consider to be the Esperanto of our times. An analytical approach to the subjects I take up accompanies me not only in my paintings, but also in my site-specific works, graphic projects and installations.” Monika Czarska
Alicja Kujawska
– ethnologist and cultural anthropologist. Author of the programme Visual Anthropology for ethnologists (at the She has collaborated with the University of Silesia in Cieszyn, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Patio Art Centre, World Crafts Council, Texi and Textilmagazine, Świetlica Krytyki Politycznej. In cooperation with Cieszyn Castle, she initiated the international workshop for designers Wool Design in Carpathians. Initiator of the Polish edition of Art+Feminism for Wikipedia. Editor of scientific and popular science texts. Solo exhibition “Anarchosyndicalists”; group exhibitions: “MatriarchArt”, Demon in Me”, and with the Faction group of female artists: Rebelle, Plexus, Link, Action*Faction*Libration, Faction Diary, ABGEFAHREN, Choice, 66 Days, Grey’s End, Kafka’s Sisters, Female Beach, Artist_Artist, (un)Human Community. Her interests include design, embroidery of the 18th century and soft sculpture.
Roksana Kularska-Król
graduated with honours from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź in 2007 in the Painting Studio of Professor Ryszard Hunger. She made two annexes to her degree in the Photography Studio of Prof. Leokadia Bartoszko and in the Drawing Studio of Prof. Zdzisław Olejniczak. In 2021, she defended her doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Art at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, under the supervision of Prof. Tomasz Sikorski. She works in painting, photography, video and illustration. She also creates projections for theatre performances. In 2007, she was nominated for the award for the best diploma of the year at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. She received an honourable mention in the “Beautiful Tile Wanted” competition, and her project was presented at the exhibition “Ceramics to the Square” as part of the Łódź Design Festival 2010. Together with her husband Sebastian, she forms the artistic duo robosexi. Their areas of activity include object, installation, video and performance. In 2014 and 2022 she received the Artistic Scholarship of the City of Łódź. She has twice received the Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (2017, 2020). Member of the artist group Frakcja and the Art and Documentation Association.
Anka Leśniak
intermedia artist, researcher, lecturer at the Department of Intermedia at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, member of the Frakcja group of artists and the TFR archive collective. She has participated in over 100 projects, solo and group exhibitions. Winner of the Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promotion of Creativity (2011), the scholarship of the Mayor of the City of Łódź for Creators and Animators of Culture (2015) Cultural Scholarship of the City of Gdańsk (2016). Artist in residence at KulturKontakt in Vienna (2016). In 2019 she was awarded the OeAD scholarship (Scholarship of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria). She has an affinity for feminist issues as well as site-specific art and art in the public space. In her performative realisations, she addresses themes of memory, ‘re-construction’, herstory, ethnic and cultural identity, migration and language. Author of the book Invisible inVisible. Women disconnected from history. Site-specific artworks on abandoned buildings (Łódź: Art and Documentation Association, 2017). Author of projects: Body Printing (since 2007), Top Models (2008-2009), Fading Traces (2010), Registered (2011), Invisible inVisible (2015-16), patRIOTki (2016-20), Lost Element. Re-construction of the Witch (from 2019).
Aurelia Mandziuk
Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Associate Professor at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. Artist, curator and art animator. Co-founder of the Polish branch of the World Crafts Council. Creator and long-standing director of the PATIO Art Centre in Łódź, where she has organised and curated over 150 exhibitions. Editor and co-publisher of two art-theoretical magazines. Co-founder of the Art and Documentation Association, co-organiser of the Art and Documentation Festival. Co-founder of the first group of female artists in Poland “Frakcja”. Initiator and participant of many international art projects. She creates objects and installations, site-specific, and the matter of her works and actions is mainly fabric. Her recent works deal with mutual communication and interpersonal relations.