JACENTY DĘDEK KAROL PALCZAK IGOR PRZYBYLSKI MICHAŁ SMANDEK PIOTR WACHOWSKI NATALIA WIRMAŃSKA MAŁGORZATA ZELEKcurators / Edyta Wolska i Roman Lewandowski Opening3.02.2022 / 6 pm Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka/ul. Zaruskiego 1aExhibition3.02 - …
„PERSONA (NON) GRATALena AchtelikMartyna CzechEwa Bloom KwiatkowskaMiłosz WnukowskiBeata Ewa BiałeckaMagdalena MoskwaCurator / Roman LewandowskiOpening7.04.2022 / 6 pm Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka/ul. Zaruskiego 1aExhibition7.04 - 26.06.2022Centre for Creative Activities in…
Katarzyna Kujawska-Murphy“5:15 p.m.” (Changing Platforms)Opening7.07.2022 / 6.00 p.m.Centre for Creative Activity in UstkaThe opening will be followed by a panel discussion with the artists of the new exhibitions by Ryszard…
RYSZARD GRZYBVarious Paintings From Various PeriodsCurated / Roman LewandowskiOpening7.07.2022 / 6.00 p.m.Centre for Creative Activities in UstkaThe opening will be followed by a panel discussion with the artists of the…