WHITE NOISE is a way to discover new meanings, diverse forms and colours that contribute to the picture of our planet. This is a search for harmony and social relationships destabilised by global crises, confrontation, and discovering one’s potential.
In the WHITE NOISE programme technology lends support to nature, and art becomes the voice of ecology, including social ecology, indispensable today within the context of creating and fostering relationships and acquiring the ability to find one’s way through the chaos of information.
Michał Żesławski
Projekt Sfinansowany przez Unię Europejską NextGenerationEU.
Dofinansowanie z UE: 74 486,00 zł
Organizator: Bałtycka Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej w Słupsku
Matronat: NN6T
Patronat honorowy: Mieczysław Struk Marszałek Województwa Pomorskiegoy